What are days for?
In 2025 my answer is Design and Curation. My work is in the architecture and construction of physical spaces and temporary experiences.
I design structures, stages, and immersive environments to produce a feeling in an individual or to guide the interaction of a group. This curation follows through the stages of Design, Build and Install which along the way include: ideating, site visits, drafting models, architectural visualization, submitting proposals, producing and maintaining budgets, fabricating, welding, sawing, painting and lighting spaces into new meaning. My services range from creative production, project management and architectural drafting & visualization, to construction foreman, metalworker and electrician.
Check out my Design Portfolio for examples of what this all ends up looking like and let me know how I can help you bring your vision to reality. I also work as a freelance photographer and video editor and you can find a Photo Portfolio on this site as well, or contact me about editorial work.
Days are for living our best selves surrounded by intentional aesthetics that motivate our values.
My email address is my first name at this website